APPM current project work
Paediatric palliative care prescribing
The APPM launched the first Master Formulary for Children’s Palliative care in the Spring of 2011 (a 2nd edition – download here - was published in 2012). This single standardised reference formulary provides information on indications, routes and standardised doses for paediatric palliative medicine. The aim is that the Master Formulary will become the reference source from which all other formularies - including the palliative care section of the BNFC - will be derived. Work now continues to address identified priorities for guidance in prescribing in paediatric palliative medicine through systematic literature review, appraisal of available research evidence and use of consensus methodology where there is insufficient research evidence to inform the next edition of the Master Formulary. The new version of the APPM Master Formulary is expected to be available in November 2023.
Support for appraisal and revalidation
Particularly for doctors working in paediatric palliative medicine outside the NHS.
Development of standards
For education and training in paediatric palliative medicine for those not eligible for CCST via RCPCH.
The Combined Curriculum in Paediatric Palliative Medicine
College Specialist Advisory Committee (CSAC)
Training in Paediatric Palliative Medicine is quality assured and validated by CSAC. The CSAC sits formally under the RCPCH and is affiliated to the APPM. The CSAC is chaired by Dr Richard Hain.
APPM Training Events
Including the annual APPM Conference