The International Children’s Palliative Care Network (ICPCN) is the only global organisation working to improve access to palliative care for the more than 21 million children worldwide who need it. ICPCN is recognised as the world leader in children’s palliative care (CPC) and has a globally renowned expert leadership, a wealth of educational resources and a network of members in over 140 countries.
Through its network, ICPCN are uniquely placed to advise, educate and support at a national, regional and international level on best practice in CPC. As a central repository for information relating to CPC, and with a global perspective of what is happening in the field, ICPCN are in an ideal position to strategically advocate for the development and improvement of services, the creation of palliative care policies, that include children and their families, and the implementation of these policies, thus increasing access to CPC.
BACCH is the professional membership organisation for doctors and other professionals working in paediatrics and child health in the community. It represents the largest paediatrics sub-specialty and is a specialty group of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health.
Our members work mostly in non-acute settings and have expertise in working with vulnerable groups of children and their carers. This includes children with developmental disorders and disabilities, those with complex behavioural issues and those who are at risk of abuse or are being abused. They also have a particular role with children who are “Looked After” or are in the process of being adopted.
We are a membership organisation of professionals committed to supporting the promotion and development of palliative care throughout Europe and beyond. Our members are united by our vision which aspires to see palliative care availability and accessibility, wherever and whenever it is needed.