Revalidation and appraisal for doctors working in paediatric palliative care 

Regular 5 yearly revalidation was introduced for UK doctors in 2012-13. Previously we provided regular updates for APPM members as systems were initially developed, as well as providing advice and guidance to hospices to help them fulfil their responsibilities in supporting their doctors to revalidate. The APPM continues to be keen to support its members in achieving relevant, whole practice appraisal, and in ensuring that revalidation is as straightforward as possible for all doctors working in paediatric palliative care in the United Kingdom. 

General guidance and resources are summarised below, with online links where available. New guidance and updates include the ‘ROAN’ information sheets, the ‘simplifying appraisal’ guidance and the presentation about a ‘soft reboot’ of appraisal. Support and advice is available for individual APPM members regarding appraisal and revalidation: this has been appreciated given that a significant proportion of doctors working in paediatric palliative care are in atypical or non-NHS roles or settings, often with portfolio professional careers. 
The APPM has agreement from a few medical appraisers with experience in children’s hospice settings, who are willing in principal to offer enhanced whole practice appraisal for colleagues working wholly or partly in paediatric palliative care. This can help ensure that doctors in the subspecialty have the opportunity for specialty-specific input to their appraisal process during their 5 year revalidation cycle. This willingness does not imply availability for any particular appraisal year or time frame, and any arrangement for appraisal services would be between the doctor’s Designated Body and the appraiser. Please contact APPM directly for further information. 
In this second cycle of revalidation there have been a few developments to highlight: 
There is a welcome emphasis on simplifying appraisal. A ‘soft reboot’ of appraisal has been launched by Dr Maurice Conlon, NHS England national appraisal lead (spring 2018, see the 4 documents highlighted in this section). This gives a welcome emphasis on simplifying appraisal and optimising the formative aspects (‘minimise the mechanics, develop the learning’). For example, the new guidance recommends that written reflection is no longer necessary for every item in the portfolio. There should be reflection on at least one learning event, and at least one activity in each of the 4 GMC Domains (skills and knowledge, safety and quality, partnership and teamwork and maintaining trust): 
Appraisal 2018-19: Making it Count (presentation). Dr Maurice Conlon, National Clinical Advisor for appraisal, NHS England. June 2018 
Responsible Officer and Appraisal Networks (ROANs) Information Sheet 15: Appraisal: Minimising paperwork, maximising benefit 
Guidance on preparation for medical appraisal (All doctors), July 2018 
Guidance on preparation for medical appraisal for GPs, version 1.1, July 2018 
New guidance has been issued in relation to the use of reflection in appraisal (see GMC section below: The Reflective Practitioner Guidance (2018)): 
Individual Royal Colleges such as RCGP and RCPCH have issued their own revised guidance (see ‘other’ section below). 
Dr Susie Lapwood 
Senior Associate Specialist, Helen and Douglas House- Hospice Care for Children 
Honorary Clinical Fellow, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust 
GP appraiser NHS England (Thames Valley) 

Resources and Guidance (updated and checked November 2018): 

GMC guidance and resources 

NHS England guidance and resources 

Other guidance and resources