The APPM Executive
The executive team and our subgroups leads is formed of elected APPM members who serve an initial three-year term which can be repeated for a second term. Each sitting member has a specific role with two non-elected roles: chair of CSAC and Together for short lives representative.
The membership of the executive aims to represent the broadest spectrum of doctors engaging in the field of Paediatric Palliative Medicine from paediatric trainees, hospice GP and specialist paediatricians, or those with an interest. The team is always looking for enthusiastic new members to either join the executive team or various task and finish groups. New executive members are appointed through a vote at the annual AGM (usually held on the APPM study day) or through the year as necessary.
Dr Anna-Karenia Anderson (Chair)
Consultant in PPM at Royal Marsden Hospital and Shooting star children's hospices. Medical Director for Shooting star children's hospice.
Clinical Guidelines lead
Dr Anton Mayer
(Vice Chair/Treasurer)
Consultant in Paediatric Intensive Care and PPM at Sheffield Children’s Hospital
Advisory group for TFSL
CSAC link
Dr Emily Harrop
Consultant in PPC & Medical Director, Helen & Douglas House. Honorary Consultant in PPC, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust.
Responsible for co-ordinating APPM research meetings and representing PPM at RCPCH annual conference
Dr Lizzie Bendle
(Communications and development)
Consultant in PPM, Evelina London Children’s Hospital
Dr Sophie Bertaud
(Perinatal co-chair)
Senior Clinical Research Fellow, University of Oxford and Consultant in PPM, Great Ormond Street Hospital.
Dr Jo Griffiths
Consultant in PPM, All Wales managed clinical network, Study day and Wales lead
Dr Jill Yates
Consultant in Community Paediatrics
Community Paediatrician link
Nirusha Govender
Associate Director for Medicines Governance & Pharmacy Education
Pharmacist link
Lesley Fellows
Nurse Consultant, Claire House Hospice
Study day and nursing link
Dr Joanna Laddie
Consultant in PPM, Evelina London Children’s Hospital.
Study day group lead
Helen Queen
Lead nurse Palliative and Bereavement Service for Birmingham Women's and Children's Hospital
Nurse link
Dr Lucinda Perkins
Consultant Neonatologist, Swansea Bay UHB
Neonatal link
Dr Laura Nohavicka
Consultant in Paediatric Palliative Medicine, Helen & Douglas House, Oxford
Education subgroup lead
Dr Caroline Scott-Lang
Consultant Paediatrician
Dr John Allen
Consultant in Paediatric Palliative Medicine, Dublin
Ireland Link
Executive Committee link members
Formulary Editor: Dr Lynda Brook
APM and Transition link: Dr Jo Elverson
CSAC Chair: Dr Michelle Hills
Together for Short lives link: Dr Helena Dunbar
CYPAPC Editor: Dr Ross Smith